Ol Pejeta Conservancy, is renowned for its commitment to wildlife conservation. The conservancy prioritizes extensive research initiatives to monitor and protect its diverse flora and fauna through its Research and Ecological Monitoring Unit. Rigorous veterinary care plays a pivotal role in maintaining the health and well-being of the resident wildlife, including endangered species like rhinos and chimpanzees.
Ol Pejeta collaborates with experts, veterinarians, and researchers to implement cutting-edge techniques and treatments. This comprehensive approach ensures the effective management of the ecosystem, contributes to global conservation efforts, and fosters sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife in this vital sanctuary.
Ol Pejeta Conservancy stands as a testament to dedicated wildlife conservation. At its core, the conservancy employs a robust research ecological monitoring framework, driving extensive research to safeguard its rich variety of flora and fauna. This commitment extends to providing top-notch veterinary care, crucial for the health and welfare of all its wildlife both resident and migratory. Collaborating with a network of experts, veterinarians, and researchers, Ol Pejeta embraces advanced techniques and treatments.
This holistic approach not only ensures the sound management of the ecosystem but also makes significant contributions to global conservation efforts. It’s a dynamic space where sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife thrives, highlighting Ol Pejeta’s role as a key player in environmental stewardship.
This holistic approach not only ensures the sound management of the ecosystem but also makes significant contributions to global conservation efforts. It’s a dynamic space where sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife thrives, highlighting Ol Pejeta’s role as a key player in environmental stewardship.
Ol Pejeta’s Research Ecological Monitoring Unit (REMU) is charged with ensuring and maintaining a dynamic wildlife population on suitable, contiguous and healthy habitat, sufficient for endangered and critically endangered species, whilst retaining connectivity to the greater Laikipia ecosystem.
We do this by identifying trends in key animal and plant species on Ol Pejeta. They then set threshold levels on the key variables, for example: the maximum number of lions or rhinos that Ol Pejeta can support, or the acceptable levels of damage to Acacia drepanolobium. These thresholds help the management make important decisions when it comes to managing and maintain a diverse flora and fauna.
The REMU frequently partner with researchers and students from all over the world to carry out their work. If you are interested in Immersive Conservation Experiences with Ol Pejeta, click here
There is always a need for third party researchers on Ol Pejeta, and research areas are reviewed regularly to address any new challenges. All external researchers are required to send their research proposals to Ol Pejeta’s Ecological Monitoring Department for review before consent is given on the commencement of the field work. Once the research is approved and on-going, the researchers would be required to submit electronic and hard copies of progress and final reports. The list of research opportunities are listed below:
1) Research on Habitats
Status of Acacia xanthophloea, including assessment of damage rates to mature and young trees and rates of recruitment and regeneration
Control of Euclea divinorum habitat at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy
• What control efforts, tools, or approaches for Euclea divinorum plant is the most effective across established areas?
• How is Euclea divinorum plant control methods impact the surrounding species?
2) Black and White Rhino:
• Changes in rhino browse availability
• Development of methods to continuously measure browse pressure and predict future browse availability with particular reference to black rhino
• Assess grazing competition between white rhinos and other grazers(domestic and wild)
3) Research on Animal populations
• Predator/Prey Dynamics (with reference to key ungulates on the Ol Pejeta Conservancy):
• Investigation, development, implementation and comparison of various methods to establish and monitor predator numbers (In particular hyena, jackals, leopard and cheetah)
• Investigation of ecological factors limiting survival of ostriches
4) Patas Monkeys
• Assessment and mapping of sleeping sites with particular reference to Acacia drepanolobium
• Quantification/assessment of the food resource (ant galls, gum, fruits) available to Patas, and suggestion of methods to improve food availability
• Determine the distribution, abundance, conservation status and threats of primates especially Patas on the Ol Pejeta Conservancy. From the findings of this study recommend appropriate conservation efforts and design a long term primate monitoring programme
5) Research on Livestock/Wildlife Interaction
• Scale of resource competition and interaction between livestock and wild herbivores
• In comparison with the surrounding range an examination of plant productivity, plant composition, overall biodiversity and intensity of use by wildlife of nutrient rich grazing lawns created by livestock enclosures
• Seasonal variations of tick/parasite load of various mammal species as an indication of health status and resistance levels
• Effects of acaricides on bird species, especially oxpeckers
• Disease transmission from livestock to wildlife and vice versa
• An economic appraisal of an integrated livestock/wildlife system in comparison to systems where one or the other is largely excluded; this to assess and quantify intangible costs and benefits, for example ecological effects
• Ecological benefits of holistic habitat management in comparison to traditional methods
• An examination of the links between wildlife movement and/or occurrence, with cattle movement/presence and disease incidence
• Carrying capacities for various wildlife species with a particular look at the herbivore:predator ratio
• The integration of Ol Pejeta and ADC Mutara management: opportunities to contrast between the two properties for disease pathogens, and compare pastoral cattle movement with Ol Pejeta cattle movement (distance, area, etc), with implications for disease and pathogen monitoring
6) Research on General Biodiversity
• Species inventories to identify and list key taxa including mammals, birds and plants (woody, herbaceous & grasses). Diversity and abundance estimates. Identification of possible indicator species
• Exotic plant species: occurrence, prevalence, possible species associations, rate of invasion and impacts on native species
• Characterization and mapping of habitat types and associated soil types and nutrient levels
• Collation and compilation of detailed historical baseline information on Ol Pejeta’s natural resources
7) Review of Research Projects
• A critical review and collation of past and current research projects with a summary of findings that may be pertinent to management
• Production of a Standard Operating Procedures manual that details the ecological monitoring protocols and methods to be used by the Ol Pejeta Conservancy
8) Monitoring Programmes in Adjacent Community Areas
• Scale and impacts of water abstraction and use of farm chemicals on Ol Pejeta’s ecosystem and its natural resources
• Scale and effects of habitat degradation especially cutting of trees for charcoal burning and cultivation along river banks
• Scale of overgrazing and resource competition between wildlife and livestock in the surrounding northern pastoral communities
• Prevalence of disease transmission between livestock and wildlife in the surrounding northern pastoral communities occasioned my livestock movements especially in dry seasons
A lot of exciting and fascinating research has been carried out on Ol Pejeta over the past few years – which has helped us shape management plans for wildlife, livestock and habitats.
This has included research on wildlife populations and behaviour, such as investigating the effects of sex-biased inbreeding on the reproductive success and home range size of the black rhino. Understanding how individual differences in genetic diversity mediate the outcome of intrasexual competition in black rhino will be essential for Ol Pejeta to effectively manage its enclosed population. Research on predicting the habitat usage of the black rhino has also been useful, as it highlighted areas of potential high browse pressure which should be the focus of EMU’s continued monitoring. This research also helped inform decisions on exclusion zones. Another researcher working on Ol Pejeta uncovered the social organisation of reticulated giraffe, which will be vital in conservation strategies for this species. This research reported that although giraffe social interactions are highly fluid in nature, it is apparent that association patterns in giraffe are not the result of random fission–fusion events, but are embedded within a structured social network characterised by multiple levels of organisation.
A study into the influences of body mass index (BMI), age and sex on inflammatory disease risk in semi-captive chimpanzees suggested that managing BMI should be an integral part of health management in captive chimpanzee populations. This can not only be applied to Ol Pejeta’s chimpanzees, but to semi-captive chimpanzees all over the world.
Research on Ol Pejeta’s habitats has been highly important as well. Establishing the rate at which the invasive Euclea divinorum plant was taking over grassland has been vital in developing management strategies that will hopefully inhibit the spread of the bush. Research into the variability in survival and mortality of Acacia drepanolobium Sjøstedt following prescribed burning on Ol Pejeta reported that, although burning was a useful tool in other parts of the Conservancy, it was in fact detrimental to Acacia drepanolobium woodland because it reversed tree growth and reduced the flower and fruit set in mature trees. Burning also resulted in reduced seedling recruitment as burnt areas attracted seedling predators. It was recommended to Ol Pejeta that in order to maintain a stable and productive habitat for black rhino, controlled burning should be practiced away from A. drepanolobium dominated or mixed woodlands.
Other research projects into Ol Pejeta’s wildlife/livestock integration have also produced fascinating results, and there is still a lot more to be done. Read through recent papers below:
April 2019. Caroline C. Ng’weno, Steven W. Buskirk, Nicholas J. Georgiadis, Benard C. Gituku, Alfred K. Kibungei, Lauren M. Porensky, Daniel I. Rubenstein and Jacob R. Goheen. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | www.frontiersin.org. April 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 123. Apparent Competition, Lion Predation, and Managed Livestock Grazing: Can Conservation Value Be Enhanced? Click here to download.
October 2018. Felicia Keesing, Richard S. Ostfeld, Sharon Okanga, Steven Huckett, Brett R. Bayles, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, L. Page Fredericks, Tyler Hedlund, Virginia Kowal, Heather Tallis, Charles M. Warui, Spencer A. Wood and Brian F. Allan. Nature Sustainability | VOL 1 | OCTOBER 2018 | 566–573 | www.nature.com/natsustain. Consequences of integrating livestock and wildlife in an African savanna. Click here to download.
12 September 2018. Erin C. Welsh, Felicia Keesing, Brian F. Allan. African Journal of Ecology. Oxpecker (Buphagus erythrorhynchus, Buphagus africanus) and tick abundances in acaricide‐treated livestock areas. Click here to download.
2017. Brian F Allan1, Heather Tallis, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Steven Huckett, Virginia A. Kowal, Jessica Musengezi, Sharon Okanga, Richard S. Ostfeld, Jennifer Schieltz, Charles M. Warui, Spencer A. Wood, and Felicia Keesing. The Ecological Society of America (www.frontiersinecology.org). Can integrating wildlife and livestock enhance ecosystem services in central Kenya? Click here to download.
13 Nov 2017. Jennifer M Schieltz, Sharon Okanga, Brian F Allan & Daniel I Rubenstein. African Journal of Range & Forage Science. GPS tracking cattle as a monitoring tool for conservation and management. Click here to download.
2017. Kavwele Kimanzi, Kinyanjui. Impacts of Bush Encroachment on Wildlife Species Diversity, Composition, and Habitat Preference in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Laikipia, Kenya. Click here to download.
2017. Kavwele Kimanzi, Kinyanjui. Time Series Monitoring of Bush Encroachment by Euclea divinorum in Ol Pejeta Conservancy Laikipia, Kenya. Click here to download
2017. Ng’weno, Maiyo, Ali, Kibungei, Goheen. Lions influence the decline and habitat shift of hartebeest in a semiarid savanna. Click here to download
2016. Daniel Wyn Smith. Estimating habitat use by large mammals from dung line transects in Kenya.Click here to download
2016. Sernert. Pilot study of Corridor use by African elephants (Loxodonta Africana) in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Laikipia District, Kenya. Click here to download.
2016. Augusstson. Activity patterns of large carnivores in a fenced conservation area in Laikipia District, Kenya.Click here to download.
2016. Bjorkdahl. Migration behaviour of the African bush elephant (Loxodonta Africana) in the conservancy of Ol Pejeta. (In Swedish) Click to download.
2016. Engelmann, Herrmann. Current Biology; Chimpanzees Trust Their Friends.Click to download.
2015. Costelloe. Coping with transition: offspring risk and maternal behavioural changes at the end of the hiding phase.Click to download.
2015. Roberts. Maternal tactics for mitigating neonate predation risk during the postpartum period in Thomson’s gazelle.Click to download.
2015. Mulama, Lush, Jones. Predicting the habitat usage of African black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) using random forest models. Click to download.
2014. IUCN Programme for African Protected Areas & Conservation. Twenty two stories of conservation in Africa: Key elements for effective and well governed protected areas in sub-saharan Africa. Click to download.
2014. Roberts. The trials of motherhood: maternal behaviour patterns and antipredator tactics in Thomson’s gazelle (Gazella thomsonii), a hiding ungulate. Click to download.
2014. Obanda, Omondi, VanderWaal. Mixed-host aggregations and helminth parasite sharing in an East African wildlife–livestock system. Click to download.
2014. Obanda, Omondi, Chiyo. The influence of body mass Index, age and sex on inflammatory disease risk in semi-captive chimpanzees. Click to download.
2014. VanderWaal et al. Biological Conservation. Quantifying microbe transmission networks for wild and domestic ungulates in Kenya. Click to download
2013. VanderWaal et al. Behavioral Ecology. Multilevel social organization and space use in reticulated giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis). Click to download
2013. VanderWaal et al. Linking social and pathogen transmission networks using microbial genetics in giraffe. Journal of Animal Ecology. Click to download.
2013. VanderWaal et al. Linking social and pathogen transmission networks using microbial genetics in East African ungulates.Click to download.
2013. Cain et al. Conservation Biology. Sex-biased inbreeding effects on reproductive success and home range size of the critically endangered black rhinoceros.Click to download
2013. VanderWaal et al. University of California, Davis. Research Outputs. Click to download
2013. Melis, Tomasello. Chimpanzees’ (Pan troglodytes) strategic helping in collaborative task. Click to download
2013. Njeri. Tourist satisfaction level at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Laikipia, Kenya. Click here to download.
2013. Packer et al. Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence. Click to download.
2012. Roberts. An attack by a warthog, Phacochoerus africanus, on a newborn Thomson’s gazelle, Gazella thomsonii. Click here to download.
2012. Porensky. Edge effect interactions in an African savannah.Click here to download.
2011. Pobiner, Kovarovic. The Bones of Ol Pejeta: Clues to the Past.Click here to read.
2010. Patton, Mulama, Mutisya, Campbell. The effect of removing a dividing fence between two populations of black rhinos. Click to download.
2010. Patton, Mulama, Mutisya, Campbell. Colonization of a New Area in the First Six Months Following ‘Same-Day’ Free Release Translocation of Black Rhinos in Kenya. Click to download.
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