Keeping our Community Safe

Safe Communities

Human-wildlife conflict

Towns and farmland are being developed at a rapid rate across wildlife migration routes in Kenya. Elephants, in particular, are being penalised for breaking fences and destroying crops, while farmers face devastating losses of income. Livestock owners too, face losses of thousands of shillings if a lion, leopard or hyena gets into the cattle holding pen. Cases of human/wildlife conflict are common, and both sides suffer the consequences.

Good relations with surrounding communities allow Ol Pejeta’s ranger and community teams to intervene is these cases. Frequent meetings are held with farmers and pastoralists in the area, where wildlife movements can be shared and discussed, as can ways to mitigate risk, and what to do should an incident occur.

Together with the Kenya Wildlife Service, Ol Pejeta has the capacity to move wildlife out of certain areas, and to trim the tusks of notorious fence-breaking elephants. This collaboration has succeeded in cutting down instances of crop raid and conflict. When damage does occur – the Kenya Wildlife Service and the Laikipia County Wildlife Conservation and Compensation Committee will manage the compensation process for farmers.

Safe Communities


Towns and farmland are being developed at a rapid rate across wildlife migration routes in Kenya. Elephants, in particular, are being penalised for breaking fences and destroying crops, while farmers face devastating losses of income. Livestock owners too, face losses of thousands of shillings if a lion, leopard or hyena gets into the cattle holding pen. Cases of human/wildlife conflict are common, and both sides suffer the consequences.

Good relations with surrounding communities allow Ol Pejeta’s ranger and community teams to intervene is these cases. Frequent meetings are held with farmers and pastoralists in the area, where wildlife movements can be shared and discussed, as can ways to mitigate risk, and what to do should an incident occur.

Together with the Kenya Wildlife Service, Ol Pejeta has the capacity to move wildlife out of certain areas, and to trim the tusks of notorious fence-breaking elephants. This collaboration has succeeded in cutting down instances of crop raid and conflict. When damage does occur – the Kenya Wildlife Service and the Laikipia County Wildlife Conservation and Compensation Committee will manage the compensation process for farmers.

Safe Communities


Establishing procedures for cases of human/wildlife is vital. These procedures minimise casualties, loss of property and livestock, and ensure that community members are not forced to take matters into their own hands. We believe prevention is better than cure in these cases, and so we have put the following measures in place to try and reduce human/wildlife conflict incidents:

  • An elaborate electric fence, tailored to prevent breakage by wildlife, has been erected near populated settlements around Ol Pejeta’s border
  • Fence patrol operations ensure these fences remain functional at all times
  • Ranger stations along the fence monitor performance on a 24 hour basis, and rangers report any fence interference or breaks to the Problem Animal Control Team
  • Problem Animal Control Teams are strategically deployed along conflict prone areas
  • Night patrol teams address human/wildlife conflict whenever reported
  • Problem animal identification programmes have been established to single out problematic individuals (such as elephants who repeatedly break fences)
  • Ol Pejeta liaise with the Kenya Wildlife Service to offer appropriate management action on known problematic animals

In case an incident does occur, community members are encouraged to follow these procedures:

The reporter should stay safe and immediately contact the Kenya Wildlife Service 

If the animal is within the proximity of Ol Pejeta fence, the spotter should also contact the Ol Pejeta operations room on 0723 312 673

The reporter should remain contactable so as to direct animal control teams to the location

Any damage suffered should be reported to the County Wildlife Conservation and Compensation Committee

For further clarification or discussion on these matters please contact the Community Development Department though a local community representative.

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