The Rhino Cup is an annual cricket tournament held at Ol Pejeta Conservancy, aimed at raising funds for rhino conservation and community development. This year will mark the 10-year anniversary of the Rhino Cup!

The 10th edition of the tournament will take place at Ol Pejeta from the 20th June to 22nd June 2025. The cricket tournament was named in honour of Sudan, who for many years was the last male Northern White Rhino. To commemorate Sudan’s incredible impact on rhino conservation, the Rhino Cup has become a ‘memorial’ tournament in honour of the last male standing and all the other rhinos still standing.

The main purpose is to raise funds to continue the ongoing, and ever more expensive, rhino conservation efforts on Ol Pejeta – which is now home to over 200 black and white rhinos. A portion of the funds raised from the tournament will also go to the East Africa Character Development Trust (EACDT). The mission of EACDT is to transform the lives of thousands of disadvantaged young Africans through character education and sport.

Close to 350 players and supporters will be heading to Ol Pejeta Conservancy for the weekend to participate in the tournament. So, if you wish to enter a team or just come along to support while enjoying an amazing weekend on one of Kenya’s most pristine conservation areas and support rhino conservation please get in touch by email at info@rhinocup.net

For more details about the tournament please visit our Rhino Cup Fundraising page, Facebook page, Instagram page!

Learn more about this year’s Rhino Cup here

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